
Saturday, June 7, 2014

My Sweet Sisters Gardens..come and dream with me!

Hey y'all...welcome!
If you've been following along on Instagram
you know this past weekend was filled with Celebrations! 
Two of my nephews graduated on the same day, in different towns. We decided to attend ones graduation and the other ones party.


My Sister and her hubby can throw some celebrations!! Let me just stop right here and tell you a bit about them. They truly believe in celebrating life, and I promise, their kids will never forget their Grad parties! Their Grad even said " I hope no one knows how to leave". That tells you a bit about their celebrations!! #celebratelife
Every detail is thought of and it's just so sweet to see the joy behind it all! 
As promised, today I welcome you to come peek into her beautiful outdoor spaces.
Come and dream with me...

My sister and her gardens!
Her yard is filled with treasures..every which way you look, you find new spaces calling you to come and explore. Do you see it?! Remember Priscilla bought the second church pew?

We giggled our hearts out, right there! Tic-tac-toe on a tree stump waiting to be played with...her grandson painted those sweet rocks, which makes them such great treasures.
 I love it all..its so happy!!

Her hubby Pete can cook!! 
If you've never had his pepper blend (Petes hot stuff), you need to get some. It's so good! We all pretty much know that when Pete says he's cooking, we won't leave hungry. 

An old chandelier became new again with added color, which now sits above a table for 2, just begging you to come sit and sip your morning coffee.

Each way you look, her gardens are filled with fun things that make you linger longer! I love going to visit..usually the first thing we do is head outside to go explore her gardens and see what is new. 
Just so fun!! She had her galvanized pond many years before me, I finally couldn't take it any longer and just had to copy her..ha, joys of being the baby sister!!

Then there is her veggie garden..each corner is marked with these sweet buckets from World Market that are spilling with her fun mix of flowers..

Then last we have her White garden, which she added last year. 
It's filled with some of her favorite white flowers..this is where you enter to come to their celebrations..and when the sun has set, lights strung show you the way into the back yard, the heart of their home!

A reclaimed bowl sitting on top of a tree stump has become a bath for the birds that visit.

The rocker which sits in her white garden..she painted it purple, which was her daughters favorite color. 
I love that she celebrates her life in things we remember her most by..her love of purple has our entire family remembering her just by seeing it!! 
Her parsley began to bloom and she just giggled at how she just had to let it bloom "nobody ever lets their parsley bloom! Wondering why not cause its soo cute!" as it's peeking in and out around this sweet rocker...sigh!

Her containers were already spilling with pretty flowers..and they just keep getting bigger. I brought her some blackberry bushes and as we planted them, she just kept praying blessing over them. Her heart, I really love her..she is so special to is her sweet birthday.

So here is to you my Sweet Sister
You inspire me daily.
Your encouraging words always stay with me.
You are my BEST friend,
and I know the miles between us won't ever change that!
 Thank you for just being you.
Thank you for all our every 5 minute calls!
 Thank you for endless giggles!
Thank you for making all our has to be pretty oh so fun..
I hope your day has been filled with so much joy & so much love!
Happy Birthday Priscilla!!
I love you!


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