...Hi everyone! I hope you find inspiration for your own touch of sunshine in today's post by my sweet sister Priscilla!!
resting on my couch on Monday, I was telling my sister "I am so in the mood to paint something yellow. Everything in my living room is brown, staring at the piano I could see it in yellow!
Oh, how fun that would be!!!"
Praying silently "God I need color", knowing to be patient is so hard for me.
That evening my hubby asked if I wanted to go to Lowe's with him?
He knows how I love Lowe's :)
...there I saw this beautiful yellow bench!
I love outdoor benches and chairs. (It's an addiction) I had to touch it, lol!
Pete looked and me and said no, saying I think we have enough don't you?
I sorta agreed.
We came home, worked in our backyard and our hose froze since someone forgot to turn off the water...hmmm, wonder who could have done that!
Sunshine Yellow is what I could see with a little TLC.
Is it not just perfect?
I think God put it there. He Knew I needed some Yellow bad!
...those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:10
I love how He blesses me daily.
We would love to hear from you and your recent blessing!